Affiliate Page
To login or register, use the link below!
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A special thanks
Thanks for your interest in joining our affiliate family. We are truly grateful to you, and to all of our wonderful customers. Without all of you, we would be nothing, so we have sincere gratitude for you all.
About the affiliate family
Whether you are looking for a place to earn some passive income, or to help fund schools within churches, it's our goal to help you achieve yours in any way we can.
Payments to affiliates
The affiliate program is free and easy to join, and all affiliates earn 7% commission based off the sales made through a personal link you will receive once signing up.
Orders made through your link will be sent to us for approval, and once approved, will be processed and shipped to the customer.
To make sure you are paid, you will need to provide us with a way to pay you, whether it be PayPal, Venmo, debit, or bank transfer, after signup.
We aim to make payouts for affiliate accounts bi-weekly.
If you were to make more than $600 in one year off of commission, which is entirely possible, we are obligated by law to send you the appropriate tax forms to be filed with the IRS and will do so automatically.
Our Rights
We reserve the right to cancel any affiliate accounts for any reason but if an order is approved through your account, you will be paid appropriately.
We reserve the right to make changes to our affiliate policies or commission rates at anytime.
LAST UPDATED: 3/14/2023